Wind Thrashing Your Heart


by Don Kerr

Paperback (Poetry)
8.5" x 5.25" · 104 pages
Release Date: October 2011
ISBN 97819267105

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by Don Kerr

Paperback (Poetry)
8.5" x 5.25" · 104 pages
Release Date: October 2011
ISBN 97819267105

by Don Kerr

Paperback (Poetry)
8.5" x 5.25" · 104 pages
Release Date: October 2011
ISBN 97819267105

From Hagios Press comes Don Kerr's tenth book of poetry. In Wind Thrashing Your Heart, Kerr turns his considerable craft and wit to the contemplation of "love lost/ among the tall grass/ and pungent sage".

Here is a passionate, thoughtful, and humorous look at love, landscape, and the people of the prairies. With a ceaseless intuition for bedrock truths, he overturns our well-worn perceptions and leaves us grinning in the process. This collection of poems is the call to love itself.

Don Kerr

As Saskatchewan's Poet Laureate, Don Kerr is recognized as one of the province's finest poets. He began publishing poetry in journals in the 1960s and had his first book of poems published in 1971. He has ten books of poetry published. He has had five plays produced, at 25th Street Theater, the Drama Department, the Roxy Theater and most recently at Persephone Theater, 2006, Toon Town, The Saskatoon Musical, with Angie Tysseland. He has also written plays for the Fringe and for CBC radio. He taught English at the University of Saskatchewan for forty years, specializing in classes of drama and film. Don Kerr was born in Saskatoon where he still lives.

Breathing Room
Cantos from Wolverine Creek
The Pear Orchard
Earth-cool, and Dirty